bhoodan for college / hospital
- nrega contribution for building the ‘building’ ?
- hackerspace -type subscription-based / pay-only-if-employed programs ?
- participatory planning ?
- college: admin + teachers + community reps meet annually to revise long-term curricula & short-term syllabi, seats & disciplines
- hospital: admin + doctors + nurses + paramedics + social workers + community reps meet annually to plan specialists needed / ?
media studies
- lazy publishing — scrape, process & publish common lazy reporting patterns
- no link reporting — ‘in a report accessed by …’ is a common description used by news websites, but they don’t give the link to a report.
- twitter feed publishing — articles with a significant portion of the content being social media posts: ‘a user on twitter said __’, followed by an embed post
open knowledge
- personalms – ‘learning’ management optimized from the learners’ perspective — plan personalized scaffolding, identify possible co-learners / reviewers / teachers,
- ~~: define bridge course acc to your current level, then start from appropriate level for the course
- ~~: core scaffolding based on discipline’s learning curve, published with ‘persona’-specific translations/analogies
- crowd-source definitions of ‘novice > competent > expert’ for specific concepts, match with real-life people
- dreyfus model: Novice, Advanced Beginner, Competent, Proficient, Expert
- ‘climate change for mechanical enggs:
- ‘community mobilization for resident doctors:
- ‘circular economy for social workers:
- crowd-source definitions of ‘novice > competent > expert’ for specific concepts, match with real-life people
- feedback loops
- iterate over disciplines: mid-career professionals recommend books, papers, courses, etc for current students > dedicated groups translate open license content, paraphrase licensed content
- student groups review their teachers’ academic work — books, papers,
integrated research environment
- pdf browser / (~integrated research environment)
- research papers
- govt documents — extract quoted reference letters, designations crossref-ed with people,
- policy advocates dashboards
- keyword watch across news, govt docs, social media
- stats tracking
- existing m&e reports for social programs — schemes, policies, ngo programs,
- whos-who directory, social graphs + people / org monitors
- mention of burnout in policy + advocacy documents
- involvement of healthcare professionals in formulating policy + advocacy documents
- voting / decision making system –
consumer affairs
- ease navigating corporate bureaucracy
- DND check & recommended actions to register across all reqd govt & pvt registries
- crowd-source issues and file notices / petitions / op-eds
- phone call spams
- evasive patterns — call with personal no.s (not regd telemarketing no.s), dark patterns in ivrs, diff depts saying they can’t connect across depts
- govt scheme websites monitor — uptime, UI/UX benchmarks,
- recommender & ad algorithm debugging
- user voluntarily share anonymized demographic info along with web usage, so that one can ‘view the internet’ as a specific demographic
- e.g. given a youtube vid, see what is recommended to a trans latinx programmer vs an upper caste tamil male economist
- user voluntarily share anonymized demographic info along with web usage, so that one can ‘view the internet’ as a specific demographic
- phone call spams
self-hosted personal workstations
social *science*
- understand CasP by applying the data analysis to economies outside the US. build graphs comparable to bichler-nitzan, but for other countries (starting with india)
- worker unions managing their gig platforms
- list